My What Can I Do With a Major In...
Real Jobs for Real Majors:
What Can I Do with a Major in Psychology, Social Work, or Sociology?
Real jobs for college graduates who major in psychology, social work, or sociology.
Explore your career choices in this section of MyCollegeSuccessStory, which provides you with real job titles and careers that correspond with specific college majors. While your degree is important, so too is what you major in while in college.
Job titles for graduates with psychology, social work, or sociology degrees:
Admissions Counselor
Behavioral Therapist
Career Counselor
Child Care Worker
Child Protection Worker
Child Welfare CaseWorker
Clinical Social Worker
Community Health Worker
Community Service/Relations Representative
Corporate Foundation Specialist
Court-Appointed Special Advocate
Education Program Specialist
Employment Specialist
Guidance Counselor
Health Care Social Worker
Hospital Administrator
Housing/Student Life Coordinator
Human Resources Assistant
Job Analyst
Labor Relations Specialist
Labor Union Organizer
Market Research Analyst
Marriage Counselor
Medical Social Worker
Mental Health Worker
Nursing Home Administrator
Outplacement Specialist
Probation/Parole Officer
Psychiatric Social Worker
Rehabilitation Counselor
Residential Treatment Worker
School Psychologist
School Social Worker
Social Service Aide
Social Worker
Social Work Researcher
Substance Abuse Counselor
Youth Counselor